Welcome to Green Valley Democrats!

We are a community organization that stimulates and promotes democratic values, by offering educational and action opportunities. Please join us!

Resistance is NOT Futile!

Here are ten things we can all do to protect democracy:

1. Stay engaged

When all the news is about Trump and pardons and lies, it is easy to want to retreat and stop paying attention. Don’t. It is precisely when things are hard that we must all lean into remaining vigilant and informed.

2. Help Democrats

The success of any opposition movement rests on the opposing party taking power. This is not a minor detail; in our system of government, it is the essential goal. Next time you want to attack a Democrat for being too much of this or too little of that, realize that you are only helping the GOP. Instead, find a Democrat you support and volunteer or contribute to their campaign.

3. Don’t do Trump’s work

This is more than simply resisting Trump’s actions; it is refusing to accept his false assumptions. When he says he wants to abolish birthright citizenship, do not accept the premise that he has the power to do so. Stay grounded in the truth: The U.S. Constitution is clear, Trump is powerless and the courts will reject his efforts.


Upcoming Programs and Events


WE CARE Campaign in February:
Sahuarita Food Bank

Foods they are especially in need of include:

  • Cereal and oatmeal
  • Peanut butter and other nut butters
  • Canned meat, including tuna fish and chicken
  • Macaroni and cheese/ramen/pasta
  • Canned soup, especially hearty soups
  • Beans and rice
  • Canned vegetables
  • Canned tomato products
  • Instant potatoes and rice
  • Soup packages (only hot water needed)

They have some visitors who are living out of their cars or on the streets who would really appreciate food that is in smaller portions and requires no preparation.

Please bring your donations to Headquarters and put them in or next to the blue wagon. You may also bring your donations to any program meeting.

Join or Renew Your Membership

Now Accepting Membership Dues for 2025

Dues are $30 per person and are good through December, 2025.  Dues may be paid on-line at ActBlue. in-person at Headquarters, or by printing out and mailing in this form to:

Green Valley Democrats
PO Box 131
Green Valley, AZ 85622

Please note on your check that it is for “Membership 2025.”

Democracy Needs You!

State Politics Matter!

Keep Informed and Voice Your Opinions.

Subscribe to Civic Engagement Beyond Voting (https://www.cebv.us/) to keep up with state legislative issues. Their website and weekly emails provide critical information on proposed legislation and how to voice your opinions using Request to Speak. Subscribe now!

Request to Speak (RTS) is an easy and effective way to voice your opinions on pending state legislation. Learn more about it and get an account HERE. Once you have an account, watch this video for step by step instructions on how to use Request to Speak.

Legislative District 19 Democrats website: https://ld19arizonademocrats.org/

Legislative District 21 Democrats Facebook:

Not sure which is your legislative district? Check it out HERE.

Green Valley and Sahuarita State Legislators

District 19

Senator David Gowan (R) District 19
State Capitol Complex Room 300
17000 W. Washington
Phoenix AZ 85007-2890
(602) 926-5154

Representative Lupe Diaz (R) District 19
State Capitol Complex, Room 302
17000 W. Washington
Phoenix AZ 85007-2890
(602) 926-4852

Representative Gail Griffin (R) District 19
State Capitol Complex, Room 225
17000 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2890
(602) 926-5895

District 21

Senator Rosanna Gabaldón (D) District 21
State Capitol Complex, Room 303B
17000 W. Washington
Phoenix AZ 85007-2890

Representative Consuelo Hernandez (D) District 21
State Capitol Complex, Room 117
17000 W. Washington
Phoenix AZ 85007-2890
(602) 926-3523

Representative Stephanie Stahl Hamilton (D) District 21
State Capitol Complex, Room 333
17000 W. Washington
Phoenix AZ 85007-2890
(602) 926-3279