About Us

Mission Statement

We are a community organization that stimulates and promotes democratic values.

Vision Statement

We will be a premier resource providing opportunities for meaningful involvement in the democratic process.

Where We Stand

Green Valley Democrats actively support Democrat candidates up and down the ballot – for all local, county and state positions. Democrats support democracy, decency, progress, public schools, families, housing, and environmental protection.

Patriotism and honoring the American flag are not limited to just one party. Democrats are passionately and positively devoted to the people of Arizona and our nation.

Democrats promote fair and open elections. The Big Lie regarding the 2020 election continues despite all the investigation and testimony which concluded that the claim of a stolen election has no merit. Efforts were, and are still being made, to overturn election results. That must not be allowed.

Economic support is necessary for law enforcement, schools, water, and environmental issues. Poor choices negatively affect Arizonans’ lives, now and into the future.

As we continue to turn Arizona blue, Democrats are focused on the following primary concerns:

  • Fair and open elections
  • Responsible management and conservation of water
  • Support for quality public education
  • Fair and equal pay for all and the right to unionize
  • Women’s reproductive rights
  • Sensible gun laws
  • Respect and equity for all regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or sexual preference

To achieve our goals, we must rally around candidates who promote and support the above values. 

Vote Blue!

2025 Board Members

President: Sandie Stone
Secretary: Tom Chulski
Treasurer: Sandy Eckstein
VP Programs:  TBD
VP Fundraising: Tatiana and Tom Hladky
VP Publicity: Henne Queisser
VP Membership:  Tom and Nelda Lobb
VP Voter Outreach: Arlynne Ostlund
VP Headquarters: Judy Knape
Member at Large: Brenda Allee Bates
Member at Large: Bill Bates


Continental Mall, Suite 208

190 W. Continental Road

Green Valley, Arizona  85622


Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
(Subject to change)


(520) 838-0590




P.O. Box 131 Green Valley, AZ  85622